I figured it was about time to do a wall of text dump of (mostly my own) comments from the CBox.
The "cat-pissed-to-death pizza box computer"
This s--- sucks!
This s--- hotcrammed f------ sucks! Why did I have to get a cold within less than a week of getting my beloved Arnval that I've waited so long for?!
.....And as if it wasn't bad enough, I had a bad dream during what little time I managed to sleep.....I'm not going to talk about the nightmare, but suffice to say that if it were real, I'd have had to have shoved a pizza up somebody's arse, and butchered a totoro alive.....
All these priests coming up with bizarre things to do now that their Goddess is kaput. >.>;;a
WTH? CBox turned into a giant version of yuan's avater, and then my post double dep posted.
Double DERP posted.
Y'Know something I've been thinkin g about, I saw a UPS truck going sideways all over the place the other day, you'd think that more Michigan drivers would have the know-how and willingness to drive appropriately for the winter weather, but quite a lot don't.
In ace combat series games, I can fly a jet drunk a lot better than some people around here drive.
I landed an F-22 one-handed half-way drunk, was holding a beer in the other hand.
Oh and in case anyone is wondering, no, if given the chance to fly a real jet in real life, I would not fly drunk.
me - (|) A** (_|_) fata** (E=|Mc2) smarta**
me - And yes, I'm really really bored.
P2 - Get a pig, then you can boared?
P2 - can be boared, rather.
me - So bored I forgot I was waiting for superglue on my hands to dry.
P2 - Turn yourself into some lumber and be board.
P3 - I have a drill. You can be properly bored
me - Before that, I was wondering why I'm sitting here watching CBox like a hawk, till I remembered I need to superglue the cracked, dry skin on my hands.
me - I have a COLLECTION of drilling implements!
P1 - talking blacksmith polar bears **** yeah
me - I think I wish there had been some of those here today to help shovel snow.
IDK what that is, but I'm guessing it's a bank account for grapefruits.
P1 - man I have a stupidly orange box coming my way
me - "We are the BORANGE. You will be juiced. We will add your unique flavor to our own. Resistence is futile."
Nagas in wood chippers?
My Metalbeard needs more sausages. He did come with an extra bone though, so yay.
*flips over, flops onto teh jess, emits cloud of zs*
P1 - At least I know one of Zress Moe is a Lolicon with torpedo boobs
P1 - My bad, a loli*
me - ERROR: *Insert witty "loligagging" comment here*
I had a weird dream a few nights ago, or at least one part of it was really weird.
I dreamed that Hitler was in our kitchen cooking zombie heads. WTH would he want to cook zombie heads for? I don't think they would taste good. What made it much stranger was that the heads were on a runner/sprue, just like injection molded plastic parts, and had to be cut out of the runner before use. HTH does that work?
andthen you have a bunch of heads on sticks
which you just happen to have been using to prime tank parts
Dunno, but Vorpal bunnies immune to everything except Holy Hand Grenade
It just doesn't feel like a train to me. It feels like a semi truck cosplaying as a train.
P1 - And there, tattooed just above the panty-line, "Abandon all hope, Ye who enter here."
P2 - At least it isnt 'Welcome, Wipe your feet'