THE NATION OF XEHNDINAVIA is ready to finally share its sights.
So, first on the list is... the Azure Castle, my floating home. It features a pool, a miniature forest, a small airship dock (with an air-dinghy currently docked), and plenty of space.
Next is the Temple of Light, originally standing where AK's palace now resides. It was relocated to Xehndinavian soil after I claimed the continent as my own.
Then there's my Hanging Gardens, constructed to resemble a childhood memory of what I thought the Hanging Gardens of Babylon looked like. In the background you can see the First Lighthouse.
Following this, on a neighboring continent, I have a small claimed territory, home to my cliff fortress. There are tunnels expanding throughout the mountain.
Near the Temple of Light is The Pit, a chasm that expands down to the Bedrock level. It was excavated by Valdor's Ion Cannon, after which I levelled out the base of the chasm with mossy cobblestone. Not sure what I want to do with it yet.
And finally, the Hedge Labyrinth. Self-explanatory.