-Pocong: It's shape like a body pillow, with it's face (usually a skeleton) shown but it's body is tightly wrapped up. Usually it hops because it can't walk. Some people says, if you can pull the rope on it's head, you'll get great luck. Most common ghost in Indonesia, Pocong often shows up in cemeteries.
-Kuntilanak: Depicted as a white skinned woman, with a long sleeved white shirt/blouse & white long skirt. Her eyes usually deep red, with dark "eye shadow" (just like insomnia disorder). It's said that she'll kidnap little children in 6 PM (Kuntilanak's origin is a dead mother while giving birth to her child.)
-Tuyul: If Kuntilanak is a dead mother while giving birth, then Tuyul's origin is aborted fetuses/babies. It's shape is like small kid or dwarf, & it stoles money for their master (people who's have Tuyuls as their "pets"). Usually seen in a business places or rich people's house (for stealing the money)
-Sundal Bolong: Her name means "Hollow Wh0re" or "Pierced Wh0re", because her looks from the front view is like a normal woman, but her back is hollow (you can even see the vertebrae & maggots are eating it). Quite disgusting indeed, but her origin is a murdered prostitute (that's kinda sad story, eh?)
-Jenglot: Their appearance is like a mini monster. Like a mini human doll with long hair, long nails, & long fang, to be precise. Their origin are people who tries to gain mystical power, but got devoured by the power itself. Maybe they look like a doll, but they're alive. Their food is small amount of blood.
-Headless priest: Only in Jeruk Purut cemetery. He's origin are a Holland priest, who accidentally got his head cut off by a horizontal sharp steel while riding a horse cart in high speed. His head was thrown to the river, since then he haunts Jeruk Purut cemetery whilst trying to find his head.
-Suster Ngesot: The nurse who dragged her feet. Her origin are a nurse who was raeped, & the criminals smash her legs with a hammer so she can't run (of course, the nurse commit a suicide because of this severe harassment, shame & frustration). Only seen in some old hospitals buildings.
-Genderuwo: Their appearance looked like a big foot. But unlike Big Foot which is probably a missing link, Genderuwo can disappear at will. Most common mystical creature in Java island. Rumor says that Genderuwo can impregnate fertile women, some "hairy" men even claim dat they're Genderuwo's kids).
-Leak (Leh-Akh): a ghost from Bali island. It's shape is like a floating head, with intestines, lungs, kidney connected to it's neck, but no body. It floats around, seeking for blood. So some people knows it as a vampiric head ghost. Some people says it's a living human, but with magic power.
Any other mystical/scary/horror stories??